Building and using containers on the HPC clusters on October 14, 2021
The following materials from the workshop are available for download:
- For slides Click here
- For the list of commands Click here
Dates & Times: Thursday, October 14, 2021, 206 Durham from 11:00 to 12:30.
To register, go to:
Workshop Purpose:
Containers provide a layer of flexibility for users to use applications of their choice with minimal admin intervention. They are easy to customize, build, and provide an isolated environment that can be instantly deployed on most *NIX machines. This workshop is intended for researchers interested in using containers in HPC workflows. The workshop will introduce the concept of containers using Singularity 2.x. During this workshop users will get hands-on training on how to build, deploy and use containers.
1. Must have an account on Condo, Nova and/or the Student Cluster (to request a free account on Condo, submit the form)
2. Bring your laptop
3. For Condo/Nova users, bring a device running GA app, see below
1. Create github account. Instructions will be emailed on October 13 to all registered for the workshop.
2. Obtain an ssh client on your laptop (Linux, MacOS and newer Windows 10 should have it; for older versions of Windows OS install Putty: per
3. Nova/Condo users: Install the Google Authenticator or Authy, see or . There are install instructions for the different types of devices, Android, Apple, etc.