HPC Workshop on Friday, November 9, 2018
Oct 25, 2018
Dates & Times: Friday, Nov 9, 2018, 206 Durham from 1:00 to 4:00.
From Noon to 1:00, there will be a setup and Login review for those that need it.
To register, go to: https://iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ed24V8BvA63KAZ
Purpose: Provide help for users of the Research and Classroom clusters. The following topics will be covered:
- Job scripts
- Software environment
- Using work and scratch directories to best advantage
- Performance and debugging tools
- Data transfer node
- Software environment
- Individual help the last 90 minutes of the session.
- Must have an account on CyEnce, Condo, Nova and/or the Student Cluster.
- Bring your laptop.
- Bring a device which can run apps and receive texts (smart phone or ipad).
- Install the Google Authenticator App on your phone, see https://www.hpc.iastate.edu/guides/condo-2017/access-and-login . There are install instructions for the different types of devices, Android, Apple, etc.
- Obtain an ssh client on your laptop (Linux, MacOS and newer Windows 10 should have it; for older versions of Windows install Putty: per https://researchit.las.iastate.edu/ssh-condo2017-cluster-access ).