Algebraic operators

Absolute value

!ABS takes absolute values - no argument required.
  ABSyield !=yield !ABS

Arc-sine transformation

!ARCSIN v forms an ArcSin transformation using the sample size specified in the argument which may be a number or another field. In the example, for two existing fields Germ and Total containing counts, we form the ArcSin for their ratio ( ASG ) by copying the Germ field and applying the ArcSin transformation using the Total field as sample size.
  Germ Total
  ASG !=Germ !ARCSIN Total

Sine and Cosine

!COS s and !SIN s takes cosine and sine of the data variable with period s having default 2pi; omit s if data is in radians, set s to 360 if data is in degrees.
  CosDay !=Day !COS 365


!EXP takes antilog base e - no argument required. (Use !^0 to take logarithms (base e).)
  Rate !EXP

Maximum, Minimum and Modulus

!MAX v changes the data value to the value of v if it is less than the value of v. v is either a number or another field.

!MIN v changes the data value to the value of v if it is greater than the value of v. v is either a number or another field.

!MOD v changes the data value to the modulus of v . v is either a number or another field.
  yield !MAX 9
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