Setting covariate grouping levels:


The fac() and pol() model terms need to classify a covariate into discrete classes. This is usually done on the basis of unique covariate values. However, ASReml actually treats close points as being the same. This is controlled by

     !FACPOINTS n affects the number of distinct points recognised by the fac() model function. The default value of n is 1000 so that points closer than 0.1% of the range are regarded as the same point.

     !POLPOINTS n affects the number of distinct points recognised by the pol() model function. The default value of n is 1000 so that points closer than 0.1% of the range are regarded as the same point.


One use of facpoints is in association with fac(dam,year) used to define a concise interaction of dam and year, where there are more than 1000 dams.
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