!WORK 1 Cross Validation test with Nassau Data Nfam 71 !A Nfemale 26 !A Nmale 37 !A Nclone 857 !A !L Clones.txt !LSKIP 1 MatOrder 914 !A rep 8 !A iblk 80 !A culture 2 !A DBH6 HT6 HT8 CWAC6 !M-9 CVgroup 10 !=Nclone !-1 !MOD 10 !+1 !CYCLE 1:11 snpData.mkr !SKIP 1 !HEAD 0 !CENTRE !MARKERS 4854 !IDS 923 nassau_cut_v3.csv !MAXIT 30 !SKIP 1 !DFF -1 !FILTER CVgroup !EXCLUDE $I !KCV grm1(Nclone) # Data HT6 ~ mu culture culture.rep !r grm1(Nclo) 0.276 Nclone 0.152 rep.iblk 0.308This code partitions the data into 10 classes using the variable CVgroup defined from variable Nclone in this example by allocating every 10th clone to each group. The !CYCLE 1:11 runs the analysis 11 times. The first 10 drop the records pertaining to the respective groups. The last run includes all the data. The !KCV grm1(Nclone) qualifier causes \ASReml to save the solutions for model term grm1(Nclone) corresponding to levels for which the data was omitted from the in one field and the values from cycle 11 in a second field. The correlation between the fields is reported to the .asr file. Important When performing cross-validation, the manner of partitioning the records can be critical. The method used here is just a simple method used for convenience in this example. Furthermore, correlation of the predicted values from reduced data with predicted values from the full data is not very helpful. Where an independent 'true' value exisits (as in the case of simulated data), that should be used.