Extended Factor Analytic model

xfa(f,k) and xfak(f)

Factor analytic models are available in three forms in ASReml: FAk, FACVk and XFAk where k is the number of factors.

The XFAk form is a sparse formulation that requires an extra k levels to be inserted into the mixed model equations for the k factors. This is achieved by the xfa(f,k) model function which defines a design matrix based on the design matrix for f augmented with k columns of zeros for the k factors.

There are two forms of the xfa model function. The original form was xfa(f,k)
and simply modifies the design matrix for factor f by appending k more levels. With this form, the XFAk variance structure must be specified separately.
The new form is xfak(f) and this associates the XFAk variance structure with the term as well as creating the extra k columns (to hold the k factors).

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