Welcome to ASReml

Installation and Licensing

ASReml is available on three main platforms: Windows, Linux and Solaris.


ASReml is designed specifically for fitting linear mixed models. These help screens are intended for use as a reference for the syntax. There is important fundamental information in the User Guide which new users should review.

Experienced users might like to check out what's new.

Lookup the syntax

  • Command line
  • Job control line

  • Rules for writing the job file

  • Getting started, the Title line

  • Factor Definition and Transformations (modify the data as it is read)

  • Pedigree and GIV files

  • Data file
  • qualifiers controlling data input
  • Major qualifiers for controlling the analysis
  • Minor qualifiers for controlling the analysis
  • Rarely needed qualifiers
  • Very rarely needed qualifiers
  • Tabulate

  • Linear Model

  • Predict

  • Variance Header Line and Variance structures

  • Post processing - .pin file

  • Formal examples

    See Also