Extended data description


!SUMMARY causes ASReml to report a general description of the distribution of the data variables and factors and simple correlations among the variables for those records included in the analysis. This summary will ignore data records for which the variable being analysed is missing unless a multivariate analysis is requested or missing values are being estimated. The information is written to the .ass file.


Following is the wwt.ass file with some comments
 wwt weaning weight analysis of coopworth data              20 Jul 2006 20:14:28

 ------> tag

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 Minimum  0.50000E+06 (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean     0.68788E+06 Standard Deviation 0.17482E+06
 Maximum  0.90000E+06      7030 observations distributed
 3264    0    0    0    0    0    0  621 1730 1137  278
tag was treated as a variable: we see a histogram of its values.
 ------> sire has      92 levels
 Distribution of frequencies of cell counts
       1 level(s) with       1 observations   92
       1 level(s) with       2 observations   62
       1 level(s) with       3 observations   59
       2 level(s) with       6 observations   28   46
       1 level(s) with       8 observations   31
       2 level(s) with       9 observations   16   33
       1 level(s) with      10 observations   18
       1 level(s) with      14 observations   43
       2 level(s) with      25 observations   10   67
       2 level(s) with      26 observations   14   45
       3 level(s) with      47 observations    6   68   83
       2 level(s) with      50 observations   26   89
       2 level(s) with      54 observations    5   88
       3 level(s) with      78 observations    4   23   87
       1 level(s) with     185 observations   60
       1 level(s) with     205 observations   56
       1 level(s) with     213 observations   48
       1 level(s) with     226 observations   65
       1 level(s) with     274 observations   40
    62 counts occurred     1 times
    12 counts occurred     2 times
sire was a large factor: we get some idea of the unbalance associated with it, identifying the particular sires with low numbers of observations. 62 of the 92 sires have counts unique to themselves; 6 pairs (listed) share their counts; 2 triplets (listed) share their counts.

 ------> dam has    3561 levels
 Distribution of frequencies of cell counts
       4 level(s) with       0 observations
    1590 level(s) with       1 observations
    1203 level(s) with       2 observations
     402 level(s) with       3 observations
     219 level(s) with       4 observations
      68 level(s) with       5 observations
      42 level(s) with       6 observations
      14 level(s) with       7 observations
       7 level(s) with       8 observations
       3 level(s) with       9 observations  151 2301 2527
       2 level(s) with      10 observations  153  725
       1 level(s) with      11 observations  526
       1 level(s) with      12 observations  170
       3 level(s) with      21 observations  143  527  570
       1 level(s) with      34 observations  142
       1 level(s) with      39 observations  569
 Counts greater than 3 occurred     9 times
dam was treated as a factor. The 9 class sizes with more than 3 individuals are listed.

 ------> grp has      49 levels
 Distribution of frequencies of cell counts
       2 level(s) with       1 observations    9   12
       1 level(s) with      13 observations   28
       1 level(s) with      22 observations   25
       2 level(s) with      25 observations    3   17
       1 level(s) with      30 observations   24
       1 level(s) with      41 observations   42
       2 level(s) with      47 observations    7   14
       2 level(s) with      51 observations   20   45
       1 level(s) with      52 observations   41
       1 level(s) with      54 observations   22
       2 level(s) with      66 observations   33   34
       1 level(s) with     336 observations   16
       1 level(s) with     349 observations    6
       1 level(s) with     386 observations   11
       1 level(s) with     622 observations    1
       1 level(s) with     649 observations    2
    39 counts occurred     1 times
     5 counts occurred     2 times
grp is also a very unbalanced factor.

Class sizes for factors with smaller numbers of levels are fully enumerated.

 ------> sex has       2 levels
 Level:      1      2
 Count:   3220   3810

 ------> brr has       4 levels
 Level:      1      2      3      4
 Count:   1959    733   4190    148

 ------> litter has    4871 levels
 Distribution of frequencies of cell counts
       9 level(s) with       0 observations
    2993 level(s) with       1 observations
    1739 level(s) with       2 observations
      76 level(s) with       3 observations
      33 level(s) with       4 observations
       4 level(s) with       5 observations
       7 level(s) with       6 observations
       3 level(s) with       7 observations 3010 3488 3497
       3 level(s) with       8 observations 2732 3538 3607
       1 level(s) with      11 observations 3535
       2 level(s) with      21 observations 3536 3599
       1 level(s) with      39 observations 3598
 Counts greater than 3 occurred     7 times

 ------> age
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 Minimum   17.000     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      48.640     Standard Deviation  13.872
 Maximum   111.00          7030 observations distributed
    2   37   51   43   33   64   93  185  348  417  433  505  386  409  437
  449  391  373  368  336  253  246  169  210  127   81  114   55   78   39
   52   13   29   17   37   25   28   29   14   15   23    0    2    3    1
    6    2    2

 Correlations and counts of age with
  -0.13196  7030

 ------> wwt
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 Minimum   8.0000     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      28.123     Standard Deviation  5.9150
 Maximum   50.500          7030 observations distributed
    1    0    1    5    7   15   17   40   54   81  114  151  205  277  283
  345  425  416  437  507  478  408  431  356  382  336  284  232  206  140
  108   75   69   49   30   19   12   12   14    1    3    0    4

 Correlations and counts of wwt with
  tag             age
  -0.16872  7030  -0.27376  7030

 ------> ywt
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 Minimum   22.500     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      47.715     Standard Deviation  8.2163
 Maximum   80.000          4057 observations distributed
    1    2    1    1    1    8    5    9   22   21   42   56   76   72   86
  106  143  150  158  170  185  181  179  193  200  157  165  167  152  155
  136  175  125  128  128   83   79   62   63   54   37   31   27   12   11
    8    6    7    4    6    1    1    4    1    2    0    0    2

 Correlations and counts of ywt with
  tag             age             wwt
   0.09935  4057  -0.24766  4057   0.35290  4057

 ------> gfw
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 Minimum  0.70000     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      3.0390     Standard Deviation 0.84963
 Maximum   6.7000          4036 observations distributed
    1    1    5   13   27   19   46   42   84   46  193    0  302  161  514
    0  421   96  383    0  299  133  197  142  212   84  125  142   48   40
   61   59   24   25   14   25   11    8    9   10    3    3    2    4    1
    0    0    0    1

 Correlations and counts of gfw with
  tag             age             wwt             ywt
  -0.17155  4036  -0.21019  4036   0.14148  4036   0.37179  4004

 ------> fdm
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 Minimum   26.000     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      31.669     Standard Deviation  2.8929
 Maximum   41.300           968 observations distributed
   28    0    0    0   32    0    0    0   67    0    1    1  102    1    0
    1  108    0    1    0  157    0    3    3  113    4    5    4   92    2
    4    1   76    0    6    3   41    6    4    2   35    3    4    2   23
    4    1    2   12    0    1    2    4    1    1    0    2    0    0    0
    2    1

 Correlations and counts of fdm with
  tag             age             wwt             ywt             gfw
   0.35324   968  -0.22191   968   0.09729   968   0.11225   876  -0.05434   883

 ------> fat

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 Minimum  0.50000     (ignoring    0 zeros)
 Mean      4.7808     Standard Deviation  2.1214
 Maximum   18.000          2175 observations distributed
    2   12   52   90  117  178  285  304  234  226  120  134   73  100   42
   71   21   32    9   26    4   17    4    9    1    3    0    5    0    1
    0    1    0    1    0    1

 Correlations and counts of fat with
  tag             age             wwt             ywt             gfw
   0.00783  2175   0.10065  2175   0.10869  2175   0.14284  2171  -0.31391  2153

 Correlations and counts of fat with
  -0.11740   678

Correlations between variates are calculated using all pairs of observations that are complete for the two particular traits. The number of pairs is reported with the correlation. For example, based o 678 records which have both fat and fdm, the correlation between these two traits is -0.1174.
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