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Access and Login
Using an Authenticator app to login to Nova Cluster
Accounts on Nova Cluster require the use of an app like MS Authenticator, or Google Authenticator to generate the codes needed for login. You probably already have the MS Authenticator app which you use for other ISU Services. The app provides a six digit one-time password users must provide in addition to their username and password to log into Nova Cluster.
You can install Google Authenticator app on your mobile device using the instructions found under your device type on the left. Instructions for adding your ISUHPCCLUSTERS GA account to MS Authenticator are available at https://research.it.iastate.edu/accessing-clusters#with-ssh . You can use either app or both.
The most common way to login to Nova is via the Secure Shell (ssh). To login to Nova via ssh:
ssh <ISU NetID>@nova.its.iastate.edu
ssh is usually available on any Linux or MacOS machine, and on Microsoft Windows 10 (in powershell). For older Microsoft Windows machines, we recommend using PuTTY ssh client .
The first time you ssh to nova, it will respond with "host key not found, generate hostkey?(yes/no)". Answer yes.
Access to the Nova cluster is managed through ASW access lists, and PIs can add or delete users to/from the list for their group at https://asw.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/acropolis/list/members. Once a user has been added to the access list, he should login to the Nova cluster as described above. At the first attempt to login a ISUHPCClusters Google Authenticator (GA) account will be created for them, and the email with the instructions will be sent to <ISU NetID>@iastate.edu.
After installing and initializing GA as described in the instructions, login to the Nova cluster by issuing the same ssh command. Enter the 6-digit code generated by GA app when prompted for Verification Code and your ISU password when prompted for password.
Login using Nova OnDemand
Nova OnDemand can be used both for running GUI-based applications and for shell access (jnstead of using ssh client on your computer).
Login using Visual Studio Code
When using Visual Studio Code locally and connecting to Nova from the app, direct your login connection to nova-vscode.its.iastate.edu.
Login from off-campus
Access to nova.its.iastate.edu is limited to machines in the iastate.edu domain. To access this machine from a home computer install the ISU VPN using the following link: Installation of ISU VPN
GA account recovery
Users may need to recover access to their GA accounts when switching or reinstalling their mobile devices that have GA application installed.
If you need to recover your ISUHPCClusters GA account, you can do so in Nova OnDemand. Login to nova-ondemand.its.iastate.edu using your regular ISU credentials and select MFA Recovery option under Clusters.
(If you need help with resetting your iastate.okta.com GA account, please contact IT solution center: https://www.it.iastate.edu/help.)
It is also possible to ransfer MFA accounts to the new device if you still have access to the old one: Open the Google Authenticator on the old device, click on menu and select Transfer accounts. There you will have an option to create a QR code to export your account to the new device.
File Transfer
ftp access into Nova is disabled. To copy a file from another machine into Nova, issue the following command on that machine:
scp file <ISU NetID>@novadtn.its.iastate.edu:
This will copy the file into your home directory on Nova. novadtn is the name of the data transfer node on Nova. Your home and group working directories are mounted on all nodes of the cluster, including novadtn.
Larger files should be kept in the group working directory (/work/<group>/<user>, where group is your group name, and user is your user name). On a remote machine issue
scp file <ISU NetID>@novadtn.its.iastate.edu:/work/<group>/<user>
to copy files directly to the group working directory. To find out your group, on nova issue "groups" command.
On older Microsoft Windows machines one can use WinSCP or FileZilla to copy files to and from the cluster.
Globus Online
One can use Globus Online to transfer files to and from the cluster. The advantages of using Globus Online is generally faster transfer rates and not needing to enter Verification code password for each file transfer. The instructions on how to set it up can be found at the Globus Online Guide.