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COMSOL can be used to analyze a variety of different problems in physics and engineering.
Typically, you will use the COMSOL graphical interface to create a "multiphysics" .mph file which contains the detail of the simulation you want to run. Once you have the .mph file, you can copy this to your work directory on the cluster, along with any data files needed by the simulation. Running the simulation in batch mode on the cluster is then fairly straightforward.
The file below is an sbatch script. A copy of this file is stored in /shared/hpc/sample-job-scripts/comsol/comsol-5.4-sample.sbatch
To use it, copy it to your work directory:
cp /shared/hpc/sample-job-scripts/comsol/comsol-5.4-sample.sbatch .
Then edit the file to suit your needs. Feel free to rename the file. When ready to run the job, do:
sbatch comsol-5.4-sample.sbatch
The sample script follows:
# This is an example of COMSOL job sbatch script. You will need to edit this file to suit your needs.
# After making the necessary edits (and feel free to change the name of this file) you will submit the job like so:
# sbatch comsol-5.4-sample.sbatch
# All lines that begin with #SBATCH below are Slurm job parameters that are processed by the sbatch program when
# you submit the job. Modify the job parameters to suit your needs.
# The --job-name is the name of the job as it appears in the queue.
#SBATCH --job-name=naca0012.mph
# The --output parameter specifies the file where standard output from your job will be saved.
# The standard output messages are output by COMSOL as your job is running and can be helpful for diagnostics.
# Note that COMSOL will save the actual results in the file indicated by the -outputfile option.
#SBATCH --output=naca0012.%j.output
# The --output parameter specifies the file where standard errors from your job
# will be written (The %j in the name gets replaced by the Slurm job number).
#SBATCH --error=naca0012.%j.error
# The --nodes parameter specifies the number of nodes (machines) you are requesting for the job.
#SBATCH --nodes=2
# The --ntasks parameter specifies the total number of cores your job will need.
# If you request 4 nodes with 16 cores on each node, set --ntasks to 64.
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
# Specify the time you expect the job to run. For 10 hours, set the time to 10:00:00.
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
# Specify the e-mail address you would like job status e-mails to be sent to.
#SBATCH --mail-user=someuser@iastate.edu
# Specify the types of job status messages you would like to receive e-mail about:
# BEGIN - send a message when the job starts.
# FAIL - send a messages if the job fails.
# END - send a message when the job runs to completion.
# At this point, all of the job parameters for Slurm have been set by the #SBATCH lines above.
# Everything that follows are the commands you want this job to execute.
# Start by going to the folder where the data for this job is located.
# This is where the files used by the job should go.
cd /work/mygroup_folder
# Module purge ensures that no other modules are loaded.
module purge
# Load the COMSOL 5.4 module.
module load comsol/5.4
# This following environment variable may not be necessary, but setting it should't hurt anything.
# In the following command, COMSOL is launched with the .mph file called naca0012_airfoil.mph.
# The output file is naca0012_airfoil_output.mph
# IMPORTANT - You will need to also change the -nn and -nnhost parameters to match your Slurm parameters for the job.
# -nn specifies the total number of processors you are using across all machines in the job.
# (e.g. for 4 machines with 16 processors each, you would use -nn 64).
# -nnhost specifies how many processors you want to use on each machine.
# On the Condo cluster, this number is usually 16.
# On Nova this is usually 36.
# The following command tells COMSOL to launch 32 COMSOL worker threads, with 16 threads per machine.
comsol batch -mpibootstrap slurm -nn 32 -nnhost 16 -inputfile naca0012_airfoil.mph -outputfile naca0012_airfoil_output.mph