Saving the residuals with the data


instructs ASReml to write the transformed data and the residuals to a binary file. The residual is the last field. The file basename.srs  is written in single precision unless the argument is 2 in which case basename.drs  is written in double precision.

The file will not be written from a spatial analysis (two-dimensional error) when the data records have been sorted into field order because the residuals are not in the same order that the data is stored. The residual from a spatial analysis will have the units part added to it when units is also fitted. The .drs file could be renamed (with extension .dbl) and used for input in a subsequent run.

Note that the binary data file does not contain any variable class name information. When either !RESIDUALS !SAVE or !SAVE is specified, ASReml saves the factor level labels to a basename.vll and attempts to read them back when data input is from a binary file. Note that if the job basename changes between runs, the .vll file will need to be copied to the new basename. If the .vll file does not match the factor structure (i.e. the same factors in the same order), reading the .vll file is aborted.
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