Writing the data to a binary file


!SAVE n instructs ASReml to write the data to a binary file.
     asrdata.bin is written in single precision if the argument n is 1 or 3;
     asrdata.dbl is written in double precision if the argument n is 2 or 4;

The data values are written

    before transformation if the argument is 1 or 2 and
    after transformation if the argument is 3 or 4.

The default is single precision after transformation.

Note that the binary data file does not contain any variable class name information. When either !SAVE or !RESIDUALS is specified, ASReml saves the factor level labels to a basename.vll and attempts to read them back when data input is from a binary file. Note that if the job basename changes between runs, the .vll file will need to be copied to the new basename. If the .vll file does not match the factor structure (i.e. the same factors in the same order), reading the .vll file is aborted.
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